When Is It a Good Idea to Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

workers comp worker

All workers are entitled to protection against workplace hazards and chemical exposures. When a job-related injury does occur, workers’ compensation can provide reimbursement for expensive medical treatments, lost wages, and other damages.

Even if your employer has workers’ compensation coverage, do not assume you can go without legal representation when collecting benefits for an injury. There are several instances when hiring a workers’ comp attorney is a good idea and even necessary.

When You File a Workers’ Comp Claim After Getting Injured or Sick

Although you might feel confident enough to file the claim yourself, a lawyer can ensure that you have submitted all the proper forms on time. An attorney can also see to it that you and the other parties are following the proper steps and operating within the letter of the law.

If Your Employer Tells You To See One of Their Providers

You might not have a problem seeing the doctor your employer recommends, but you have options. It is a good idea to find a physician on your own who will not be swayed by company bias when prescribing treatments or recovery time.

To collect workers’ comp benefits, be sure to select a doctor from the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) approved list. An experienced work injury lawyer can ensure you comply with workers’ comp mandates in Cincinnati by recommending a BWC-approved physician or specialist you can trust.

You Have a Pre-Existing Condition

A pre-existing disease or ailment might be reason enough for an employer or insurance company to reduce or deny your compensation. A lawyer can help you prove that your injury did not originate from your initial condition but from what you suffered on the job. Regardless, simply having a pre-existing health issue should not disqualify you from workers’ compensation benefits.

Your Benefits Do Not Cover All of Your Lost Wages or Medical Bills

Miscalculations in medical costs or wage losses can result in inadequate compensation, which should be corrected. Also, if you have to pay a deductible or your symptoms linger for months, your lawyer can help you get the necessary benefits to get back on your feet.

If Your Employer Tries to Change or Halt Your Workers’ Comp Benefits

It is essential that you take all the time you need to recover from your injury or illness. You should contact a lawyer immediately if your employer insists you return to work before you are ready. An attorney can also advocate for you if the company requests that you see a medical specialist who might recommend a premature return to the job.

Your Injury Prevents You From Working for an Extended Period

A work-related disability can be costly, especially if it is permanent or long-term. Your employer might try to limit your benefits to avoid paying the extra medical expenses. However, being away from work for a long time does not mean you should suffer financial hardship. A workers’ comp lawyer can help you get your long-term benefits.

If the Insurance Company or Your Employer Deny Your Claim

Being denied benefits might be the outcome you fear the most when filing your claim. Unfortunately, your employer or insurer may use one or more issues to justify the denial. For example, they could claim that your injury did not happen on the job or within the scope of your work. Regardless of the issue, your attorney will work hard to show a strong connection between your injury and the contributing work-related condition.

Too many injured workers have to fight for the compensation they need to recover and move on with their lives. Fortunately, getting reimbursed for your work-related injury can go more smoothly with a Cincinnati-based attorney on your side.