We assume we’ll get the best possible care when seeking medical treatment. We also want to believe that our providers are well-qualified and will make sound decisions that align with our needs. Unfortunately, errors occur in healthcare, resulting in significant loss and suffering. If you live in Cincinnati or Ohio, here are the most common types of medical malpractice you’ll want to know about.
What Is Medical Malpractice?
Medical malpractice refers to a doctor or healthcare provider’s failure to meet the applicable standard of care. It also occurs when a medical provider doesn’t perform their duties competently.
Proving medical malpractice is challenging, even with an excellent local personal injury attorney specializing in malpractice. The patient or family member alleging medical malpractice has the burden of proof. To bring a successful claim, you must show:
- You have a relationship with the doctor or caregiver in question.
- They treated you.
- The doctor was negligent.
- Their negligence directly caused your injury.
- Your injury resulted in damages.
Another criterion is showing that the liable provider failed to meet the standard of care. Proving this requires testimony from an expert witness who must answer this question: “Would a similarly qualified healthcare professional have administered the same treatment under equal circumstances?”
What follows are the most common types of medical malpractice reported in Ohio:
Birth-Related Errors
Medical errors during the prenatal stage or at a child’s birth can have life-altering consequences for all family members. For example, doctors can prescribe medication that harms the fetus, or they might fail to detect congenital disabilities. Things can also go wrong during birth, such as improperly using delivery tools or failing to monitor fetal distress.
Delays of Care
Timeliness of care can be just as important as proper treatment. Mistakes can happen when a provider waits too long to respond to test results, ignores early-stage symptoms, or dismisses a patient’s initial concerns. If a patient is forced to wait unnecessarily for treatment, symptoms may worsen, leading to more severe illness or even death.
Drug Mistakes
Administering incorrect dosages or the wrong type of medicine happens more often than you might think. Some patients receive drugs they shouldn’t because a pharmacist or physician overlooks information about allergies or interactions with other pharmaceuticals. Even unintentional drug mistakes can have life-changing effects.
Many medical malpractice claims involve a misdiagnosis or delay in diagnosis, resulting in significant injury and damages. This error can also occur when providers misinterpret or mislabel test results and diagnostic images. The result is often that patients don’t get the treatments they need in time or at all.
Surgical Errors
Mistakes during surgery can happen, especially during complex procedures. For example, the surgeon might perform the incorrect technique, accidentally nick a major artery or organ, leave a sponge inside the body, or operate on the wrong part of the body. Additional surgeries may be necessary when a procedure goes wrong, and patients can suffer otherwise preventable complications.
Finding the Best Medical Malpractice Attorney Near You
According to Ohio state law, you must file a medical malpractice claim within one year of discovering your injury. If you choose to file a claim, you face an uphill battle if you file by yourself. Instead, turn to the experienced malpractice attorneys at Clements, Taylor, Butkovich & Cohen, LPA, Co. Call our office today at 513.721.6500 to learn about your options and get answers to your questions. You can also use the online contact form to schedule your appointment.