As any lawyer who specializes in worker’s compensation will tell you, there are several T’s that need to be crossed in any worker’s compensation claim in order to minimize the risk of your claim being contested. Any contested claim will result in delays for approval, compensation, or authorized treatment.
First, report the injury to your employer in writing as soon as the injury occurs. A simple conversation does not mean much in court. Even if the injury is minor, it should be mentioned in a written statement, even if it is scribbled on a Post-It or a piece of paper from the register. The pain may not feel bad now, but could be a completely different story tomorrow. Without that written document, it is that much harder to prove the injury did not occur on your own time in your own garage. Email can suffice for this notification, but be sure to print out the email, so that you will not need to rely on your bosses’ email servers down the road to prove the notification happened.
Secondly, get medical attention as soon as you can. If your employer has a medical dispensary, go there and explain the exact nature of the injury. If not, go to the emergency room, an Urgent Care facility or a family doctor within the next 24 hours. It is important that this happens within 24 hours, as it minimizes a court’s ability to suggest that the “real” injury occurred after the one you initially reported. The medical professionals need to see you right away to ascertain with accuracy the nature of your injury or your condition.
Thirdly, file a claim as soon as possible. This may be done by your doctor, but it is ultimately your responsibility. Ohio requires any claim for worker’s compensation to be filed within two years of an injury. However, it is safer to file your claim much closer to the date of the actual injury. If you would like assistance preparing your claim, our legal professionals at Clements, Taylor, Butkovich & Cohen, LPA, are more than happy to assist you in preparing your documents. Writing and filing the claim itself can be a daunting and intimidating task, but our down-to-earth legal team can clear up anything that might be confusing. We understand the fine points of work injury claims so that you don’t need to. We offer free consultations, too, so that we can learn your story directly from you, and so that we can provide the best and most timely service for you.
Maximizing Your Work Injury Settlement
If you’ve followed our “to do list”, you’ll be on the path to a fair settlement. But worker’s compensation claims aren’t always cut and paste cases. Every injury comes with its own unique set of circumstances. Things like workplace injury law, how you were injured, the medical treatment you receive, and many more things all play a part in the settlement you’re offered. Mistakes along the way could significantly reduce your benefit amount. Don’t let this happen to you. Contact our law firm for a free consultation and learn about potential problems with your case today.
We can also help you in finding the most affordable and most appropriate medical care as well. If you are worried that your current medical care is proving too expensive through your insurance, or if your insurance company is refusing to reimburse you fully for your expenses, we can help you. There is no need for you to confront costly and unmanageable medical bills. We know Cincinnati’s medical and insurance systems backwards and forwards, and we can advise you on how to get the best medical care well before your claim is approved and your benefit payments begin to arrive.
A Proven Law Firm Advocating for Your Rights
If your claim is disputed, contact the law firm of Clements, Taylor, Butkovich & Cohen, L.P.A., Co., injury lawyers in Cincinnati since 1988.