There are several elements to every automobile accident injury case, such as determining fault and filing claim, that an experienced car accident lawyer help can prove invaluable in fighting your case and ensuring your personal recovery. Clements, Taylor, Butkovich & Cohen, L.P.A., Co. is a law firm in the greater Cincinnati Area that has many years of experience with car injury law and with successfully representing victims of automobile accidents.
Driver Responsibility and Ohio Law
In Ohio, there are several elements that can help or hurt an automobile accident case. Some of these include:
- Car and Driver Safety
- Cincinnati Road Safety
- Driver Responsibility
- Following Correct Court Procedures for the Auto Accident Legal System
- Negligence of a third party
Driver responsibility law in Ohio requires drivers have car insurance or other proof of financial responsibility, and the proper valid license. Auto insurance became mandatory in the state of Ohio in 1927. If another driver’s negligent or careless actions have caused you personal injury, including physical harm or mental and emotional stress, our attorneys can help you file the necessary insurance claims and court petitions to get you the financial compensation and benefits to which you are entitled. The driver responsibility laws in Ohio can work for you, and our experience attorneys know how to assertively navigate the auto accident legal system to help you recover both physically and financially.
You may have several questions regarding your case, such as:
- Who is at fault?
- Is the car owner or the driver liable for damages?
- Who is financially responsible for drivers under the age of 18?
- Is the driver financially responsible for all passengers involved?
- Can the at fault driver sue me for compensation?
- Who pays for a rental car if I need one?
- How much is my claim worth?
We all know that Cincinnati roads can be busy and dangerous. Despite being as careful as possible, it is an unfortunate fact that accidents can and will happen. If you have been in an automobile accident and need experienced legal advice and representation from knowledgeable lawyers, contact our law firm. At Clements, Taylor, Butkovich & Cohen, L.P.A., Co., we will listen to your story, take the facts into consideration, and only take your case if we genuinely believe we can secure you a fair auto accident settlement and help solve your financial problems related to the accident.
If you have been in an automobile accident, or suffered from the wrongful death of a loved one in an automobile accident and need capable legal representation, please call Clements, Taylor, Butkovich & Cohen, L.P.A., Co. for a free initial consultation.