Qualified Team of Cincinnati Car Accident Lawyers

Experienced Ohio attorneys fight for you on all fronts

Car accidents can temporarily shatter the lives of injury victims or result in the wrongful deaths of loved ones. Survivors of automobile accidents can face a long struggle of physical recovery, loss of wages, property damage and medical bills. If you or someone you love sustains an injury in a car crash, our highly qualified team of Cincinnati car accident lawyers at Clements, Taylor, Butkovich & Cohen, L.P.A., Co. can put our experience and knowledge at your service.

The most common causes of automobile accidents in Ohio

Car accident statistics in cities like Cincinnati can be sobering, and some of the most tragic car accidents can be a result of the pure negligence of other drivers. Automobile accidents happen every day in Ohio, and some of the reasons for vehicular accidents are easily preventable. Here are some common causes for car accidents:

  • Speeding — Pure recklessness and disregard for posted speed limit signs cause many automobile accidents in the Cincinnati area and throughout Ohio.
  • Poor weather conditions — Rain, snow and fog require an even greater degree of alertness from a driver and, in many cases, a slower speed.
  • Intoxication — Drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs have a much slower response system and cannot avoid obstacles in time.
  • Cell phones — Cell phones distract drivers, which is why many states have outlawed the use of mobile phones while you’re driving in favor of headsets, such as Bluetooth.
  • Inferior road maintenance — Road irregularities, such as potholes, can derail drivers, particularly in bad weather. A knowledgeable car accident attorney in Cincinnati can explain to you that the government in your area is responsible for keeping driving conditions safe.
  • Lack of sleep — Safe driving depends to a great degree on the driver’s level of alertness. Lack of rest can indirectly cause accidents.
  • Radio and CD players — Drivers trying to change the radio station, track or volume can take their eyes off the road just long enough to get in an accident.
  • Other distractions — Rubbernecking, children in the backseat or a driver struggling to pick up something are other common causes of swerving and an eventual accident.

If you have suffered an injury in an automobile accident that resulted from the negligence of another driver, finding a car accident law firm in Cincinnati to help you through court procedures is in your best interests. Physical recovery is expensive, and your savings should not be ruined because of another’s carelessness.

The National Safety Council estimates that 38,800 people in the United States died in automobile accidents in 2019 alone. And just in 2019, approximately 4,400,000 (4.4 million) people in the US had to get medical attention due to injuries sustained in automobile accidents.

Aside from the tragic loss of human life, the monetary cost of these car crashes is staggering. In just the first half of 2020, the estimated cost of the property damage, injury recoveries, and auto accident deaths was more than $200 billion – $200,000,000,000.00.

Cincinnati is an area that is particularly susceptible to car crashes. Given the amount of construction that Cincinnati roads require – from residential streets to freeways and busy traffic arteries – as well as the heavy rain, snow, and adverse weather conditions Cincinnati drivers must face, our roads can be exceptionally dangerous. Drivers are encouraged to exercise extreme caution, particularly at night or in the dawn and dusk hours.

Call Clements, Taylor, Butkovich & Cohen, L.P.A., Co. for a free initial consultation with our automobile accident attorneys if you have been in an automobile accident, or suffered from the wrongful death of a loved one in an automobile accident and need capable legal representation.

You can reach us at our toll-free number 513.721.6500 or online.

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Evening & Weekend Appointments Available

The law firm of Clements, Taylor, Butkovich & Cohen, L.P.A., Co. represents families and individuals in greater Cincinnati and throughout southwest Ohio and the tristate region with concerns in workers compensation, Social Security Disability, malpractice and personal injury. The communities that we serve include Cincinnati, Loveland, Fairfield, West Chester, Hamilton, Norwood, Colerain, Milford, Middletown and Batavia.

Clermont County — Hamilton County — Butler County — Warren County